Previously on this earth there are many amazing animals on this Earth, but because of factors such as natural selection, the increasing food needs of man, the disappearance of animal habitats due to land acquisition, etc. then the amazing animals that are too real Extinct Animals it had a role to save the planet
1. Dinosaurs
Is a reptilian animal that has existed millions of years previously at the time of pre-history in the Mesozoic era, Age of Dinosaurs. Not all animals that lived in prehistoric times regarded as the dinosaur. In addition, the dinosaurs are also found in various types and sizes, from 30 meters long (100 feet) and up to 15 m high (50 feet) such as (Argentinosaurus, Seismosaurus, Ultrasaurus, Brachiosaurus, and Supersaurus) until the size of a chicken. There is also a feathered birds like Caudipteryx. Most dinosaur-sized between the two types that …
Dinosaurs first appeared about 225 million years ago during the Triassic Period. The animal was kept alive until the Jurassic Period and developed into a giant in the Cretaceous Period. About 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous Period, dinosaurs disappeared from earth.
2. Half Horse Half Zebra Quagga
Zebra-like quagga and never found in large numbers in South Africa. Quagga can be distinguished from other zebras by having the sign on the front of the body. Quagga is a mixture of horses and zebras. Quagga name comes from the Khoikhoi word for zebra. Quagga became extinct due to hunting by humans who try to get meat and hides.
Declared extinct in 1883.
3. Thylacine: the Tasmanian Tiger (Extinct since 1936)
Tasmanian tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus) is an animal that mostly known as the marsupial carnivore in the modern period. These animals come from Australia and Papua and declared extinct in the 20th century. It is commonly known as the Tasmanian tiger because of his back is patterned stripes, but some are calling it the Tasmanian wolf.

4. Steller’s Sea Cow: the defenseless beast (Extinct since 1768
Steller’s sea cow (Hydrodamalis gigas) is sirenian large mammals that became extinct and the previous can be found in the Bering Sea coast of Asia. Steller’s sea cow was found in the Commander Islands in 1741 by naturalist Georg Steller.
The population of sea cows exist in small quantities and limited when the Steller describe them. Steller said that they found in the group, but Stejneger estimates there are fewer than 1,500 remaining and endangered because of hunting humans. They finished off by the sailors, seal hunters, and fur traders who followed the Bering route to Alaska, who hunt them for food and hides used to make ships. They also hunted for their fat which is not only used for food, but also as an oil lamp because no smoke or smell and can be stored for a long time in warm weather. In 1768, less than 30 years of sea lion was discovered, Steller sea lions have been extinct ..

5. Irish Deer
Great Irish Deer or Giant Deer, was the largest deer that ever lived.
Living in Eurasia, from Ireland to east of Lake Baikal, during the Late Pleistocene and early Holocene. The latest known remains of species have been carbon-date to about 5,700 BC, or about 7,700 years ago. Giant Deer is famous for great size (about 2.1 meters or 7 feet tall at the shoulder), and in particular because it causes any tine greatest known cervid (a maximum of 3.65 meters/12 feet from reverse to reverse and weigh up to 90 pounds).
Discussion of extinction because they still focus on the Horn (rather than on their overall body size), which is probably more right to their impact on the observer than any actual property. There are already proposed hunting by humans is contributing factor didemise Big Deer Ireland as it is with many prehistoric mega-fauna, even assuming that the size of the Horn of restricting the movements of the male through bersemak area or that of any other means “maladaptation”. But the evidence for over-hunting vague, and as a continental species, would have co-evolved with humans throughout its existence and presumably have to adjust themselves to their appearance.
6. Caspian Tiger: the third Largest (Extinct since 1970)
Caspian tiger or tiger sub-species westernmost Parsi-sub-species of tigers, found in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Caucasus, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan until it became extinct in the 1970s.
All tigers are known to the world, the Caspian tiger was the third largest. The agency is a sub-type-sub-types quite sturdy and coupled with strong legs, big wide paws and unusually large claws. Short ears and small, male Caspian tiger is very large and weighs 169-240 kg. female not male sebesaryang

7. Aurochs
Among Europe’s most endangered animals terkenaladalah aurochs or mismanagement (Bos primigenius). Aurochs evolved in India about two million years ago, moved into the Middle East and further into Asia, and Europe, which reached about 250,000 years ago. In the 13th century BC aurochs limited to Poland, Lithuania, Moldavia, Transylvania and East Prussia.
Tahun1564, the animal was only the remaining 38 individuals. In the 1920s two German zoo keeper, Heinz and Lutz Heck, trying to revive aurochs into the presence of domestic livestock which are their descendants. Their plans based on the conception that the species is not extinct as long as all its genes are still there.
The result is a type considered Heck Cattle, ‘Created Aurochs’, or ‘Heck Aurochs’, which both have similarities but the physiology of wild aurochs was never known.

8. Great Auk: Largest of all auks (Extinct since 1844)
Auk Bird is the only species in the genus Pinguinus, Auk giant bird without flight from the Atlantic and is now better known as garefowl, or penguins. About 75 centimeters wide and 30-34 inches tall and weighing around 5 kg, Bird Auk emiliki a shiny black fur and in former times, Bird Auk commonly found on the island not far from eastern Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Ireland and Great Britain , but eventually hunted down and destroyed. Aux legend says that birds are still alive and occasionally reveal themselves ….

9. Cave Lion
Cave lion, also known as European or Eurasian cave lion, an extinct species is known from fossils found in the archaeologists. Type this lion is one of the big lion that ever existed. An adult male, found in 1985 near Siegsdorf (Germany), has a shoulder height of about 1.2 m and cut as much as 2.1 m without a tail, the same size when compared with a very big modern lion. This proves that the lion caves 5-10% larger than modern lions.

10. Dodo Bird
In the Year 1505 Portuguese sailors discovered the island of Mauritius. On the island which is found in a bird known as the Dodo.
Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) is a bird can not fly that ever lived on the island of Mauritius. This bird related to pigeons. This bird has a height of about one meter, eating fruit, and nesting on the ground.
Dodo became extinct between the mid-to late 17th century. Extinction is often used as archetypes because they occurred in human history and due to human activities.
Dodo is a bird that is not afraid of humans, and plus its inability to fly, making it an easy prey captured. The man who landed in Mauritius eat this bird. However, many journals reported dodo bad taste and tough meat.
11. two-horned rhino
The animal was very similar to modern rhinos, only he has 2 horns. It is estimated that lived about 25-45 million years bygone
12. Archaeopteryx
Archaeopteryx (from the Greek Ancient ἀρχαῖος archaios which means ‘ancient’ and πτέρυξ pteryx that bearti ‘feather’ or ‘wings’; pronounced “ar-kee-OP-ter-IKS” [ɑ ː (ɹ) kiɒptəɹɪks]) is a type of bird and the earliest known primitive. These animals live in the Jurassic Period about 155-150 million years ago which is now recognized as an area of southern Germany. In German, Archaeopteryx is known as Urvogel, a word that means “bird native” or “first bird”. Although the original name derived from German, this word is also used in English.
13. Haast’s Eagle
Haast’s Eagle (Harpagornis moorei), was one of the giant eagles that are now extinct and once lived in the South Island, New Zealand. This beast is also known as Eagle Harpagornis which is the largest eagle that ever lived. The animal was believed by Māori tribes by calling Pouakai; name often used Hokioi (or hakawai) which refers to the space is decorated snipe New Zealand – which in detail, the South Island subspecies are now extinct.
Haast’s Eagle females weigh 10 to 15 kg, and the males weighed 9 to 10 kg.Kebanyakan of them has a wingspan of roughly 2.6 to 3 m, which is short for the weight of an eagle (the largest gold eagle and Steller’s sea eagle has a wingspan which is almost the same length), but that helps them when hunting in dense forests of New Zealand. Haast’s Eagle is sometimes described as the evolution of the bird can not fly, but this is not true, but, the animals could bring a family from the style of his ancestors that flew off and headed for a higher wing loading and manoeuverability. Strong legs and massive flight muscles allows these birds to take off with a jump start from the foundation, in addition to the miraculous weight. Its tail is almost certain length (more than 50 cm, for female specimens) and very wide, which increases the manoeuverability and provide additional weight. The total width may be more than 1.4 m for females, with high standing about 90 centimeters or more. Haast’s Eagle is widely hunted, bird can not fly, such as the moa is more than 15 times the weight. The animal was attacked at speeds over 80 miles per hour, which often catch their prey with hip bone nails on one foot and killed by a blow to the head or neck with the other. Large beak is used to menyobak internal organs and died from loss of blood. In ketidakmunculan other large predators or carrion eaters, Haast’s Eagle could easily monopolize a large area to kill some every day.
Early human occupation in New Zealand (Māori arrived about 1,000 years ago) also preyed on by rough on a big bird that can not fly that covers all species of moa, which promptly hunted them to extinction. This causes the extinct Haast’s Eagle about 1500 when the last food source is reduced. These animals may also be hunted man: large, fast bird hunting that specializes in hunting down a big two-legged animals that are considered as a threat by Māori – for a creature that could kill a moa weighing 180 kg, adult humans may be considered as an alternative prey healthy. [3]

14. Pterodactyls
Pterodactyls first reported his discovery by two cowboys in Arizona, the United States in 1890. They claimed to have killed a flying creature with a giant size. After killing him, they brought his body to the city to show it off. Pterodactyls have large wings, like bats, but not hairy. Until now, reports about the presence of these creatures are still often ditemukan.Tidak only in the area around the United States alone, these animals showed signs of its presence in Africa, Europe, and Asia. Hundreds of reports and dozens of photographs have been investigated throughout Cryptozoology Research Center Institute for the World. Experts estimate pterodactyls are distant relatives of pangolins and Pteronodon, two types of flying dinosaurs are extinct.

15. Javan tiger
Java Tiger is the kind of tigers that live on the island of Java. Tiger was declared extinct in around 1980′s, due to poaching and development of agricultural land which reduces drastically the habitat of this animal. Even so, there is also the possibility of extinction is happening around the 1950s when the idea is expected to live only 25 ekior this type of tiger. Last time there was indication of Javan tiger was in 1972. In 1979, there were signs that only 3 tigers live in pulua Java. Even so, there is little possibility of this animal is not extinct. In the 1990′s there were some reports of keberaadaan these animals, although this can not be diverfikasi. [Citation needed]
At the end of the 19th century, the tiger is still a lot of wandering on the island of Java. In the 1940s, Javan tigers are only found in remote forests. There are efforts to save the tiger is by opening several national parks. However, the size of this park is too small and too few prey to tigers. In the 1950s, when the tiger population was only 25 heads of Java, approximately 13 tail was in Ujung Kulon National Park. Ten years later this number is shrinking. In 1972, there were only about 7 tiger who lives in Meru National Park Betiri. Although this national park is protected, many are open agricultural land there and make increasingly endangered Javan tiger and then thought extinct in the 80s.
Javan tigers are small compared to other tiger species. Male tigers weigh 100-141 kg and height of approximately 2:43 meters. Females weigh legih light, which is 75-115 kg and slightly shorter than the male species.
In addition to the Javan tiger, there are two types of tigers are extinct in the 20th century, the Bali tiger and the tiger Persian. Biologically, Javan tigers have a very close relationship with the tiger bali. Some biologists even claimed that they are one species. However, many are denied this statement.
16. Bali tiger
Bali tiger (Panthera tigris balica) is an extinct subspecies of tiger that can be found on the island of Bali. This tiger is one of three sub-species of tiger in Indonesia, together with Java tiger (also extinct) and Sumatran tigers (critically endangered spesie)
Tiger tiger is the smallest of the three sub-species; last tiger was shot in 1925, and sub-species was declared extinct on 27 September 1937

17. Mammoth
Mammoth is a genus of ancient elephant that had become extinct. Body sizes larger than normal elephant in the world today. Ivory
circular curved inward and, in northern species, with long hair.
There is a misconception that the mammoth was bigger than an elephant. The largest species of mammoth are known, the Imperial Mammoth of California, has a high back at least 5 meters. Mammoth generally weighs 6-8 tons, but a large male mammoth weight can reach 12 tons. 3.3 meters long mammoth tusk was found in the north of Lincoln, Illinois in 2005. Most species have mammoth size of a modern Asian Elephant.

1. Dinosaurs
Is a reptilian animal that has existed millions of years previously at the time of pre-history in the Mesozoic era, Age of Dinosaurs. Not all animals that lived in prehistoric times regarded as the dinosaur. In addition, the dinosaurs are also found in various types and sizes, from 30 meters long (100 feet) and up to 15 m high (50 feet) such as (Argentinosaurus, Seismosaurus, Ultrasaurus, Brachiosaurus, and Supersaurus) until the size of a chicken. There is also a feathered birds like Caudipteryx. Most dinosaur-sized between the two types that …
Dinosaurs first appeared about 225 million years ago during the Triassic Period. The animal was kept alive until the Jurassic Period and developed into a giant in the Cretaceous Period. About 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous Period, dinosaurs disappeared from earth.
2. Half Horse Half Zebra Quagga
Zebra-like quagga and never found in large numbers in South Africa. Quagga can be distinguished from other zebras by having the sign on the front of the body. Quagga is a mixture of horses and zebras. Quagga name comes from the Khoikhoi word for zebra. Quagga became extinct due to hunting by humans who try to get meat and hides.
Declared extinct in 1883.
3. Thylacine: the Tasmanian Tiger (Extinct since 1936)
Tasmanian tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus) is an animal that mostly known as the marsupial carnivore in the modern period. These animals come from Australia and Papua and declared extinct in the 20th century. It is commonly known as the Tasmanian tiger because of his back is patterned stripes, but some are calling it the Tasmanian wolf.
4. Steller’s Sea Cow: the defenseless beast (Extinct since 1768
Steller’s sea cow (Hydrodamalis gigas) is sirenian large mammals that became extinct and the previous can be found in the Bering Sea coast of Asia. Steller’s sea cow was found in the Commander Islands in 1741 by naturalist Georg Steller.
The population of sea cows exist in small quantities and limited when the Steller describe them. Steller said that they found in the group, but Stejneger estimates there are fewer than 1,500 remaining and endangered because of hunting humans. They finished off by the sailors, seal hunters, and fur traders who followed the Bering route to Alaska, who hunt them for food and hides used to make ships. They also hunted for their fat which is not only used for food, but also as an oil lamp because no smoke or smell and can be stored for a long time in warm weather. In 1768, less than 30 years of sea lion was discovered, Steller sea lions have been extinct ..
5. Irish Deer
Great Irish Deer or Giant Deer, was the largest deer that ever lived.
Living in Eurasia, from Ireland to east of Lake Baikal, during the Late Pleistocene and early Holocene. The latest known remains of species have been carbon-date to about 5,700 BC, or about 7,700 years ago. Giant Deer is famous for great size (about 2.1 meters or 7 feet tall at the shoulder), and in particular because it causes any tine greatest known cervid (a maximum of 3.65 meters/12 feet from reverse to reverse and weigh up to 90 pounds).
Discussion of extinction because they still focus on the Horn (rather than on their overall body size), which is probably more right to their impact on the observer than any actual property. There are already proposed hunting by humans is contributing factor didemise Big Deer Ireland as it is with many prehistoric mega-fauna, even assuming that the size of the Horn of restricting the movements of the male through bersemak area or that of any other means “maladaptation”. But the evidence for over-hunting vague, and as a continental species, would have co-evolved with humans throughout its existence and presumably have to adjust themselves to their appearance.
6. Caspian Tiger: the third Largest (Extinct since 1970)
Caspian tiger or tiger sub-species westernmost Parsi-sub-species of tigers, found in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Caucasus, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan until it became extinct in the 1970s.
All tigers are known to the world, the Caspian tiger was the third largest. The agency is a sub-type-sub-types quite sturdy and coupled with strong legs, big wide paws and unusually large claws. Short ears and small, male Caspian tiger is very large and weighs 169-240 kg. female not male sebesaryang
7. Aurochs
Among Europe’s most endangered animals terkenaladalah aurochs or mismanagement (Bos primigenius). Aurochs evolved in India about two million years ago, moved into the Middle East and further into Asia, and Europe, which reached about 250,000 years ago. In the 13th century BC aurochs limited to Poland, Lithuania, Moldavia, Transylvania and East Prussia.
Tahun1564, the animal was only the remaining 38 individuals. In the 1920s two German zoo keeper, Heinz and Lutz Heck, trying to revive aurochs into the presence of domestic livestock which are their descendants. Their plans based on the conception that the species is not extinct as long as all its genes are still there.
The result is a type considered Heck Cattle, ‘Created Aurochs’, or ‘Heck Aurochs’, which both have similarities but the physiology of wild aurochs was never known.
8. Great Auk: Largest of all auks (Extinct since 1844)
Auk Bird is the only species in the genus Pinguinus, Auk giant bird without flight from the Atlantic and is now better known as garefowl, or penguins. About 75 centimeters wide and 30-34 inches tall and weighing around 5 kg, Bird Auk emiliki a shiny black fur and in former times, Bird Auk commonly found on the island not far from eastern Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Ireland and Great Britain , but eventually hunted down and destroyed. Aux legend says that birds are still alive and occasionally reveal themselves ….
9. Cave Lion
Cave lion, also known as European or Eurasian cave lion, an extinct species is known from fossils found in the archaeologists. Type this lion is one of the big lion that ever existed. An adult male, found in 1985 near Siegsdorf (Germany), has a shoulder height of about 1.2 m and cut as much as 2.1 m without a tail, the same size when compared with a very big modern lion. This proves that the lion caves 5-10% larger than modern lions.
10. Dodo Bird
In the Year 1505 Portuguese sailors discovered the island of Mauritius. On the island which is found in a bird known as the Dodo.
Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) is a bird can not fly that ever lived on the island of Mauritius. This bird related to pigeons. This bird has a height of about one meter, eating fruit, and nesting on the ground.
Dodo became extinct between the mid-to late 17th century. Extinction is often used as archetypes because they occurred in human history and due to human activities.
Dodo is a bird that is not afraid of humans, and plus its inability to fly, making it an easy prey captured. The man who landed in Mauritius eat this bird. However, many journals reported dodo bad taste and tough meat.
11. two-horned rhino
The animal was very similar to modern rhinos, only he has 2 horns. It is estimated that lived about 25-45 million years bygone
12. Archaeopteryx
Archaeopteryx (from the Greek Ancient ἀρχαῖος archaios which means ‘ancient’ and πτέρυξ pteryx that bearti ‘feather’ or ‘wings’; pronounced “ar-kee-OP-ter-IKS” [ɑ ː (ɹ) kiɒptəɹɪks]) is a type of bird and the earliest known primitive. These animals live in the Jurassic Period about 155-150 million years ago which is now recognized as an area of southern Germany. In German, Archaeopteryx is known as Urvogel, a word that means “bird native” or “first bird”. Although the original name derived from German, this word is also used in English.
13. Haast’s Eagle
Haast’s Eagle (Harpagornis moorei), was one of the giant eagles that are now extinct and once lived in the South Island, New Zealand. This beast is also known as Eagle Harpagornis which is the largest eagle that ever lived. The animal was believed by Māori tribes by calling Pouakai; name often used Hokioi (or hakawai) which refers to the space is decorated snipe New Zealand – which in detail, the South Island subspecies are now extinct.
Early human occupation in New Zealand (Māori arrived about 1,000 years ago) also preyed on by rough on a big bird that can not fly that covers all species of moa, which promptly hunted them to extinction. This causes the extinct Haast’s Eagle about 1500 when the last food source is reduced. These animals may also be hunted man: large, fast bird hunting that specializes in hunting down a big two-legged animals that are considered as a threat by Māori – for a creature that could kill a moa weighing 180 kg, adult humans may be considered as an alternative prey healthy. [3]
14. Pterodactyls
Pterodactyls first reported his discovery by two cowboys in Arizona, the United States in 1890. They claimed to have killed a flying creature with a giant size. After killing him, they brought his body to the city to show it off. Pterodactyls have large wings, like bats, but not hairy. Until now, reports about the presence of these creatures are still often ditemukan.Tidak only in the area around the United States alone, these animals showed signs of its presence in Africa, Europe, and Asia. Hundreds of reports and dozens of photographs have been investigated throughout Cryptozoology Research Center Institute for the World. Experts estimate pterodactyls are distant relatives of pangolins and Pteronodon, two types of flying dinosaurs are extinct.
15. Javan tiger
Java Tiger is the kind of tigers that live on the island of Java. Tiger was declared extinct in around 1980′s, due to poaching and development of agricultural land which reduces drastically the habitat of this animal. Even so, there is also the possibility of extinction is happening around the 1950s when the idea is expected to live only 25 ekior this type of tiger. Last time there was indication of Javan tiger was in 1972. In 1979, there were signs that only 3 tigers live in pulua Java. Even so, there is little possibility of this animal is not extinct. In the 1990′s there were some reports of keberaadaan these animals, although this can not be diverfikasi. [Citation needed]
At the end of the 19th century, the tiger is still a lot of wandering on the island of Java. In the 1940s, Javan tigers are only found in remote forests. There are efforts to save the tiger is by opening several national parks. However, the size of this park is too small and too few prey to tigers. In the 1950s, when the tiger population was only 25 heads of Java, approximately 13 tail was in Ujung Kulon National Park. Ten years later this number is shrinking. In 1972, there were only about 7 tiger who lives in Meru National Park Betiri. Although this national park is protected, many are open agricultural land there and make increasingly endangered Javan tiger and then thought extinct in the 80s.
Javan tigers are small compared to other tiger species. Male tigers weigh 100-141 kg and height of approximately 2:43 meters. Females weigh legih light, which is 75-115 kg and slightly shorter than the male species.
In addition to the Javan tiger, there are two types of tigers are extinct in the 20th century, the Bali tiger and the tiger Persian. Biologically, Javan tigers have a very close relationship with the tiger bali. Some biologists even claimed that they are one species. However, many are denied this statement.
16. Bali tiger
Bali tiger (Panthera tigris balica) is an extinct subspecies of tiger that can be found on the island of Bali. This tiger is one of three sub-species of tiger in Indonesia, together with Java tiger (also extinct) and Sumatran tigers (critically endangered spesie)
Tiger tiger is the smallest of the three sub-species; last tiger was shot in 1925, and sub-species was declared extinct on 27 September 1937
17. Mammoth
Mammoth is a genus of ancient elephant that had become extinct. Body sizes larger than normal elephant in the world today. Ivory
circular curved inward and, in northern species, with long hair.
There is a misconception that the mammoth was bigger than an elephant. The largest species of mammoth are known, the Imperial Mammoth of California, has a high back at least 5 meters. Mammoth generally weighs 6-8 tons, but a large male mammoth weight can reach 12 tons. 3.3 meters long mammoth tusk was found in the north of Lincoln, Illinois in 2005. Most species have mammoth size of a modern Asian Elephant.
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