The story begins with the life of a high school student named Ichigo Kurosaki in Karakura Town who could see spirits. At first Ichigo can only see the usual spirit of the people who have died, but that changed when one day he met a woman dressed in black kimono in his room. The woman is a Shinigami named Rukia Kuchiki. His arrival caused by the spiritual power of a Hollow, an evil spirit. Hollow is suddenly came and attacked the family because Ichigo Ichigo felt a great spiritual power. Ichigo then engaged in a fight with the Hollow that has hurt his family, even though Rukia who should fight Hollow Ichigo is already banned previously. Ichigo's inability to defeat the Hollow, Rukia is severely injured as a result when I try to help Ichigo. To defeat the Hollow that there is only one way, namely by lending some strength to Ichigo Rukia's Shinigami. Unfortunately in the process happens by accident, Ichigo Rukia took all the spiritual strength and made him lose the power of the Shinigami. As a result, Ichigo later incarnated as the Shinigami and Hollow beat them.
The next day, Rukia appears in Ichigo's classroom as a transfer student. Moreover, this time Rukia looks like a human being and can be viewed by classmates. Rukia tells Ichigo that the miraculous power of the spirit of Ichigo who had made him able to absorb all his strength rather than just half, and kept him berpidah into Gigai, artificial human body. While waiting for the power Shinigaminya recover, Rukia then decided to stay temporarily in the human world. Ichigo must replace the jobs keep Karakura town, against the Hollow, and bring the spirit roaming the human world to Soul Society.
After about two months, finally the two pursuers of the human Soul Society came into the world to bring back Rukia, who will dieksekusi.Karena Shinigaminya Rukia has given strength which is a first-class crime and because he stayed too long in the human world. Both Renji Abarai-chaser is a childhood friend and Byakuya Kuchiki, Rukia, who was none other than Rukia's brother.
After Ichigo rescue Rukia in Soul Society: The Sneak Entry saga and Soul Society: The Rescue saga, the Bount saga continued with anime, manga Vaizard and Arrancar.sedangkan in the form of the original story, straight story about the Vaizard and Arrancar until now being continued by battle that will continue in Karakura town (Karakura Chou)
The next day, Rukia appears in Ichigo's classroom as a transfer student. Moreover, this time Rukia looks like a human being and can be viewed by classmates. Rukia tells Ichigo that the miraculous power of the spirit of Ichigo who had made him able to absorb all his strength rather than just half, and kept him berpidah into Gigai, artificial human body. While waiting for the power Shinigaminya recover, Rukia then decided to stay temporarily in the human world. Ichigo must replace the jobs keep Karakura town, against the Hollow, and bring the spirit roaming the human world to Soul Society.
After about two months, finally the two pursuers of the human Soul Society came into the world to bring back Rukia, who will dieksekusi.Karena Shinigaminya Rukia has given strength which is a first-class crime and because he stayed too long in the human world. Both Renji Abarai-chaser is a childhood friend and Byakuya Kuchiki, Rukia, who was none other than Rukia's brother.
After Ichigo rescue Rukia in Soul Society: The Sneak Entry saga and Soul Society: The Rescue saga, the Bount saga continued with anime, manga Vaizard and Arrancar.sedangkan in the form of the original story, straight story about the Vaizard and Arrancar until now being continued by battle that will continue in Karakura town (Karakura Chou)
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